Who We Are.
A group of people who have chosen to love beyond social acceptance because its the right thing to do.
Our Mission
Foster a community that prioritizes safety, dignity, and respect for all through compassionate, evidence-based harm reduction practices and a deep understanding of individual needs.
Our Vision
We envision a world free from stigma toward individuals with substance use disorders, mental health challenges, and other high-risk behaviors. Our goal is a community where everyone has access to the resources they need to not only survive but truly thrive.
Meet the team
Brittany Kelly
Sadie Wood
Alicia Adkins
Jessica Jones
Chris Jones
Our Services.
Free Naloxone.
Naloxone(narcan) is the opioid antagonist that temporarily reverses the affects of an opioid overdose. We distribute to our community free of charge so that anyone who wants access to the life saving drug, will. We offer this with a brief training on how to use our intramuscular injectable kits.
Free Fentanyl Testing Strips.
Though controversial, as these strips are felony paraphernalia in the state of Arkansas, fentanyl testing strips have been proven useful to those taking various substances. These tests allow for people using a dissolvable drug to test the substance they’re using. A positive test gives them a chance to walk away or use with higher caution. A positive reported test also allows for us to send a PSA to our followers and let them know of the dangers in the area.
Harm Reduction Items.
We work to provide as wide of a variety as we can to people in need of sterile supplies. This includes clean syringes, tourniquets, cook cups, cottons, alcohol prep pads, and more. All of these items reduce illness spread through blood transmission from sharing use items. As we grow, we will expand to broader harm reduction resources.
Ready for recovery?
While we don’t push recovery, we’re ready to help you when you’re ready to seek it. Some of our key volunteers are Peer Recovery Support Specialists certified through the state of Arkansas. We are well networked in the area to get you into a detox bed and then rehab. Until then, we’re here to do what we can to keep you alive, judgement free.